FincenFetch’s FinCEN filing software for investment companies adheres to Corporate Transparency Act compliance while keeping your clients and portfolio free of FinCEN fines. Whether you plan to manage compliance in-house with a secure platform or need a trusted SOC2 partner to offload compliance, we have a solution for your organization.
Investment entities often do not qualify for reporting exemptions due to their unique operational structures. For instance, real estate assets commonly employ separate LLCs for each property, necessitating compliance with the reporting rule.
Investment companies face the challenge of promptly updating reports under the reporting rule. Portfolio companies must submit updated reports within 30 days of any beneficial owner or company change to avoid significant fines of $500 per day or $10,000. FincenFetch simplifies this process by offering fast filing for updated reports and providing timely reminders to help keep your portfolio companies compliant. The platform’s proactive compliance alerts can even notify your firm and clients of expiring documents or other upcoming impediments to compliance.
When it comes to managing CTA compliance with FincenFetch, investment firms have two options: they can either license our tool internally to streamline BOI reporting or leverage our expert filing team to ensure portfolio compliance.
Secure and Straightforward Method: Utilize our YouCollect plan for a secure and straightforward method to file reports and maintain compliance for your portfolio companies. Using our API, you can even embed FinCEN filing into your existing client platform
Initial and Free Updated Reports: These plans include initial reports and free updated reports, enabling you to efficiently manage your clients or portfolio throughout the year.
Comprehensive FinCEN Compliance: Choose either YouCollect or WeCollect plans and add ProReview to provide comprehensive FinCEN compliance.
Expert Filing Team: Our expert filing team will handle the rest while you retain full oversight and visibility from your filer dashboard.
Our Team is available anytime to help you navigate our simple FinCEN filing software. Book a free consultation or speak with our team today
Watch the video to see how FincenFetch’s FinCEN filing software makes CTA compliance simple for your firm and clients.
Dashboard for Clients and Customers
Take a tour of FincenFetch from your client’s perspective. This video shows your client’s included dashboard and report process.