Four Essential Training Videos
Please watch all four short Essential Training Videos in order. The videos are critical in showing you how to set up and use FincenFetch. Learning FincenFetch only requires about 30 minutes to watch these videos. We also recommend looking at the optional CSV upload videos below.
Our team can only help you with questions after you complete these and have familiarity with the platform. You can begin learning this prior to receiving your invite to set a password.
5 Minutes: In this video you will learn how to create your account and get familiar with all of the dashboard tabs and functionality.
9 Minutes: In this video you will learn how to create reports, where to import clients, and about various report types.
8 Minutes: In this video you will learn how to finalize reports, track filings with FinCEN, and manage actions after filing for clients.
12 Minutes: In this last core video you will learn how to add your team, upload logos, add engagement language, adjust report settings, and set up client emails to automate your work.
Optional Training Videos
Uploading Clients or Communities with CSVs
12 Minutes: In this video we’ll walk through how to quickly import your information for communities. HOAs are typically firm-only reports with invited owners (board members) and these can be easily configured with the CSV uploader.
12 Minutes: In this video we’ll walk through how to quickly import your information for communities. HOAs are typically firm-only reports with invited owners (board members) and these can be easily configured with the CSV uploader.